Still in School?

Being pregnant while in school, whether high school or college, was most likely not part of your plan at this time. You may be really overwhelmed and asking yourself some of the following questions.

  1. “What will I do? I have to finish school!”
  2. “Do I have any other options besides abortion?”
  3. “What about my future?”
  4. “How do I tell my parents or boyfriend I’m pregnant?”

Although it may feel like your life’s plans are over, it is possible to be in school and be a mom too.

Get Answers to Your Questions

We’re here to answer your questions and provide the information you need to move forward with confidence. Before making any decisions, confirm your pregnancy with a free on-site, self-administered pregnancy test at Life Light.

Once you have received a positive pregnancy test result, we will help guide you through your next steps.

Knowledge is power. We want to help you make an empowered choice regarding your pregnancy and that means getting as much information as possible.

Moving Forward

You have options. Take time to process how you feel and to determine your next steps.

Being pregnant does not mean the end of your dreams. It means you are taking a detour to get there. Let us help you navigate pregnancy and school. It is possible to do both.