Can you relate to any of the following:

  • Guilt/Shame
  • Depression/Despair
  • Frequent Crying
  • Anger/Rage
  • Increased Promiscuity
  • Self-hatred
  • Drug/Alcohol Abuse
  • Nightmares
  • Anorexia
  • Difficulty Bonding with Your Children

If you can relate to any of these symptoms, most likely you are suffering from what is referred to as Post-Abortion Trauma. Reach out today.

Gospel Healing for WOMEN Suffering from Post-Abortion Trauma

Life Light has restarted its post-abortion healing program through a new Bible Study by Healing Hearts Ministry. This study is open to anyone who is suffering from Post-Abortion Trauma. If you have had an abortion and are hurting, your feelings are normal. If someone you love has had an abortion and you feel bad about it, you’re not alone.

Contact us today for the kind of help that leads to true healing.

Email or call 530-222-5200 and ask for Cindy.