Learn how the adoption process has changed over the last few years. As the expectant mother, you are in the driver’s seat.

What Do You Think About Adoption?

In the past, when a woman chose adoption for her child, she rarely learned who adopted them, where they lived, or what happened to them as they grew. That has completely changed. Today, the expectant mother or birth mother chooses the following for her child:

  • The adoptive family who raises them.
  • The environment she wants for them (city life, farm life, etc.).
  • The amount of ongoing contact she wishes to have with them.

3 Adoption Plans

There are three main adoption plans. The amount of contact you wish to have with the adoptive family and your child determines the plan you choose.

1. Open Adoption

As you select the adoptive family, you can meet and begin building a relationship. You can exchange full names, addresses, phone numbers, etc., to communicate directly.

2. Semi-Open Adoption

A semi-open plan allows for a little more privacy. You still select the adoptive family and can meet them before your baby is born, but a third party arranges all contact, such as your adoption agency or lawyer.

3. Closed Adoption

This plan provides the most privacy. You do not meet the adoptive parents and do not receive ongoing information about your child. The courts seal the original birth certificate to protect any personal information.

Making Your Adoption Decision

Placing your child for adoption is not an easy decision to make, but it can be the most loving choice. Here are a few reasons why women choose to make an adoption plan:

  • They want their child to be raised in a two-parent home.
  • Because they are already raising other children, they don’t have the resources to add another child.
  • They cannot provide a safe home environment due to their current relationship, addiction, or homelessness.
  • There is no one to assist them financially or emotionally.
  • Their age prevents them from raising a child (too young or too old).
  • They wish to finish school or continue on a particular career path.

Only you can decide if adoption is the right choice for you and your child. We do not place children for adoption but can offer referrals to professionally licensed, reputable adoption organizations.

Let’s talk about this option. Adoption is a loving, challenging, and beautiful option.

The Life Light Pregnancy Help Center Difference

Although we are not a medical center, we do provide accurate information about all of your options for your unplanned pregnancy. We care about you. We will listen to you, and we can help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, talk confidentially with a peer counselor, and head toward a brighter future.

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