Adoption may seem like a pregnancy option that makes sense right now. Maybe you feel your life’s circumstances are not fit for a child, or it’s not safe. If you want privacy along the adoption journey, closed adoption allows privacy between you, your child, and the adoptive family.
At Life Light Pregnancy Help Center, we’re here to help you explore closed adoption and your other adoption options if needed.
What is Closed Adoption?
Adoption is the legal process of permanently giving a child to an adult who is not the child’s biological parent. There are three types of adoption: open, closed, and semi-open adoption.
Unlike open and semi-open adoption, with closed adoption, there is no contact with your child and the adoptive family. A closed adoption means there is no identifying information provided either to the birth families or adoptive families.
Due to unique life circumstances, some women feel it would be better not to be involved in the adoption planning. If this is the case for you, choose a closed adoption. In a closed adoption, your coordinator will choose a couple based on your expectations.
With closed adoption, you won’t know your adoptive family names, and there is no exchange of identifying information. The original birth certificate is sealed to keep your name and location confidential.
More Adoption Education at Life Light
You probably have many questions about the closed adoption process, and we’re here to help you gain the clarity you need to make an informed pregnancy decision.
Only you can decide if adoption is the right choice for you and your child. We do not place children for adoption but can offer referrals to professionally licensed, reputable adoption organizations.
Explore adoption today in a safe and non-judgmental space. Schedule a free and confidential appointment to discuss your situation and options. You are not alone.