When you parent, you can’t “fake it ’til you make it.” It’s important to have information upfront to know what to expect. We’ll help you.

What Do I Need to Know?

The unknown is always scary. When you know how your body changes during pregnancy, what childbirth is like, and what to expect after giving birth, parenting is a little easier.

We offer free lessons to help you learn about pregnancy, your child, and being a parent. Our friendly mentors guide you one-on-one through each lesson, and we’ll customize lessons to your specific needs.

You have the opportunity to ask questions and share any concerns you have.

Here’s a Sample of the Lessons We Offer:

Pregnancy and Childbirth

  • The First Trimester
  • Emotions of Pregnancy
  • Your Second Trimester
  • Bonding With Your Unborn Baby
  • Your Changing Body
  • Your Third Trimester
  • Labor Expectations
  • Infant Expectations

Health Lessons

  • Caring for Yourself
  • Miscarriage – Footprints on Our Hearts
  • Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, and Pregnancy
  • What’s Safe, What Isn’t
  • Eating for Two
  • Your Healthy Baby
  • Post-Partum Depression

Parenting Lessons

  • Feeding Your Baby
  • Crying, Colic, and Sleeping
  • Understanding Your Infant
  • Your Baby’s Milestones
  • Bonding With Your Toddler
  • Discovering Your Child’s Personality
  • Parenting Without Shame

Fatherhood Lessons

  • Respect for Mothers
  • The Dad Difference
  • Being a Leader and a Role Model
  • A Discipline Foundation
  • Being Consistent

Parenting the Love and Logic Way®

  • Putting an End to Arguing, Back-Talk, and Begging
  • Teaching Responsibility Without Losing Their Love
  • Setting Limits Without Waging War
  • Avoiding Power Struggles
  • Guiding Kids to Own and Solve Their Own Problems
  • Teaching Kids to Complete Chores Without Reminders and Without Pay

Learn How To Take Care of You

Life Skills Lessons

  • Home Health
  • Money Management
  • Creating Boundaries
  • Taking Care of Your Hygiene
  • Screen Time and You
  • Time Management
  • Anger Management

Sexual Risk Avoidance

  • Protecting Yourself and Your Heart
  • STI/STD Avoidance
  • Choosing Marriage
  • Sex and You

What Our
Clients Say